Saturday, November 8, 2014

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Seiko Epson knows how to make large sized OLED TV

Seiko Epson has officially stated that its experts have developed a new technology, so-called Micro Piezo InkJet Technology (mikropezostruynaya technology), which will produce large displays based on organic light-emitting diodes (LED), writes Electronista.

As stated in a press release from Seiko Epson, this technology allows more evenly applied organic materials onto a substrate. As you know, one of the main obstacles to the creation of large-OLED displays is that it is very difficult to apply evenly organic materials onto a substrate. Thus, we can say that the present invention Seiko Epson is a breakthrough in OLED technology. According to official data from Seiko Epson, Piezo InkJet Misro technology provides higher accuracy in the application of organic materials than the current technology of VTE, and its error does not exceed 1 percent.

Incidentally, the famous Japanese company has made it clear that she is going to show a prototype 14-inch OLED display, which will have a resolution comparable to a resolution of 37-inch Full HD HDTV at the exhibition Society for Information Display, which opens on June 2. It is unclear when the first commercial products using this technology.

Source: Electronista

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